Students Excelling in College Coursework

Our kids continue to leverage opportunities through our participation in the Illinois State Board of Education Competency Based Education Pilot. We were part of the original pilot and are 1 of 47 school districts participating in the pilot statewide. As part of the program, our high school students have the ability to earn their Associate's Degree (FREE OF CHARGE) while they are in high school. As a result of our participation and kids willing to accept the challenge, this fall, 30% of our high school students enrolled in college coursework, FREE OF CHARGE. And how did they do? With the results of GAVC college coursework yet to post, thus far, our kids successfully completed 58 college courses with a collective 3.55 grade point average! Yeah, THEY ROCKED IT! Congratulations to everyone working to position themselves for success at the next level! KEEP ROCKIN!

Illinois State Scholars Announced

We are extremely proud to congratulate three of our Outstanding Senior Students, Scarlett Binder, Jaden Doubet, and Sidney Stiers, for being named Illinois State Scholars! Their dedication, hard work, and academic excellence have truly shone through. This honor is a testament to their perseverance and passion for learning! Congratulations to all three and their families! And to all Williamsfield Schools students...keep reaching for the stars! Your future is bright. We can't wait to see all the amazing things you continue to accomplish.

Livestreams on the NFHS Network

All RW Cougar events will now be live-streamed through the NFHS Network on our new RW Cougars Co-op channel, which can be accessed HERE. Middle school boys & girls basketball will still stream on our Williamsfield channel, as will all other Williamsfield-based events. The Williamsfield Schools channel can be accessed HERE.


Click HERE for information regarding the various CANVAS mobile apps. 

Contact Us

325 Kentucky Avenue
Williamsfield, IL, 61489
School Office: (309)-639-2216
District Office: (309)-639-2219